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Selling to Russians News: How to Find the Best Foreign Realtors and Make Your Offer of Cooperation February 16, 2016 |
Hi Everyone,
The first book in the new E-Series: *How to Beat Your Competition Selling Real Estate to Foreign Buyers* by Olga Kellen has been just released on Amazon The starting e-book of the series is *How to Find the Best Foreign Realtors and Make Your Offer of Cooperation in Sale Irresistible to Them*. It is about selling properties internationally through foreign realtors, and discusses the following important for your success issues: * How to find foreign realtors who are the best to sell your property; * How to make them want your business; * How to write your offer of cooperation in sales; * What to include and what not; * What mistakes are common and how not to make them; * How to address the hot issue of the real estate commission; * All other business necessities. You can get all the information for your own successful marketing and selling properties internationally through foreign realtors for the very affordable price of a book only. By the way, the next book in the E-Series will be about the best cost-effective ways of direct advertising to the general buying public in a foreign country where you want to find a buyer for you property, and then more on various aspects of getting success in international sales will follow. The E-Series is based on my knowledge and experience with the Russian buying market and also on the extensive internet research of available sources of information about other nations' buying markets (like Chinese, for instance) - to make the advice more general as many features concerning international real estate sales are very similar anyway whether you market to one group of foreign buyers or the other. Visit my Amazon Author's site , find out more about the E-Series: *How to Beat Your Competition Selling Real Estate to Foreign Buyers*, buy the first e-book and watch for the next issues on all the useful topics for private owners of properties for sale, realtors and developers who want to sell properties internationally. P.S. You can read these Kindle e-books on any device (laptop, desktop, iPhone, iPad, etc.) with a free Kindle application that you can download from Amazon for your type. P.P.S. I’ll be happy to know your opinion on the e-book.
To your best business success, Sincerely,
Olga Kellen, |
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