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Selling to Russians News: *How to Sell Real Estate to the Russians* has been published on Amazon March 16, 2016 |
Hi Everyone,
At last. It has happened. I have put together the major ideas of the business of selling real estate to Russian buyers and published on Amazon as an e-book of Questions and Answers. Here is the Amazon link to *How to Sell Real Estate to the Russians* Yes, over the years I have been sending you some bits and pieces of this as the newsletter issues, but the current e-book sets the key subjects as the orderly, full and at the same time compressed system: * How to find a Russian buyer for your property; * How to find the best Russian realtors and make them want your business; * Where to advertise to the Russian buying public directly; * How to overcome the language barrier; * What cultural differences the Russian buyers have and what kind of properties they want; * How to develop trust with the Russian buyers and business partners; * All other business necessities. The market of the Russian-speaking buyers is being comprised of 150 million people in Russia, 40 million in Ukraine, 17 million in Kazakhstan, also several more millions in a dozen of smaller countries where Russian is being used (officially or culturally), and there are some more millions of the Russian-speaking folks scattered all over the globe who still prefer to search for information and communicate in Russian. All together the Russian-speaking buying market has a potential of more than 200 million people (some sources evaluate the market as closer to 300 million Russian-speaking people in the world). You can learn how to reach them for a mere price of a book. You may ask why I do this as it can undermine my business because you will read the book instead of ordering my services. I believe it is a win-win situation: you can become highly educated clients and I can sell the book many times although I had spent time on the writing just once. Previously published in the *E-Series: How to Beat Your Competition Selling Real Estate to Foreign Buyers*: Book 1. *How to Find the Best Foreign Realtors and Make Your Offer of Cooperation in Sale Irresistible to Them* is a complete guide for marketing and selling international properties with the help of foreign realtors (concerns any international real estate sales as well as through the Russian realtors specifically). Book 2. *How to Efficiently Advertise Your Property for Sale Internationally* is about the best cost-effective ways of direct advertising to the general buying public in a foreign country where a seller or their realtor wants to find a buyer for a property, no foreign realtors being involved (concerns any international real estate sales as well as selling directly to the Russian buyers). Please find all the already published books of the series (and you also may want to check for the new ones in the future) at Olga Kellen’s Amazon Author’s page: The Book Trailer for the book *How to Sell Real Estate to the Russians* is on YouTube: P.S. You can read these Amazon Kindle e-books on any device (laptop, desktop, iPhone, iPad, etc.) with a free Kindle application that you can download from Amazon for your type. P.P.S. I'll be happy to know your opinion on the e-book.
To your best business success, Sincerely,
Olga Kellen, |
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