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Selling to Russians News: BOOK OF BOOKS - FREE FOR 5 DAYS (The Beginner's Guide to Selling) November 02, 2016 |
Hi Everyone, The Beginner's Guide to Selling Real Estate to Foreign Buyers beginners guide is the ninth book in the E-Series: How to Beat Your Competition Selling Real Estate to Foreign Buyers Olga Kellen's Amazon The E-Series reviews and condenses All-You-Have-to-Know to market and sell real estate to international buyers. Each e-book solves a particular problem of marketing and selling properties to the foreign buyers. When I started writing and publishing the E-Series, I just decided on a particular topic based on circumstances: An interesting client's question came, or some proper suitable material was on my desktop at the moment, or I considered something as the most important topic in demand then. I guess that a real estate professional with at least some experience in selling properties to the foreign buyers would require just that: A problem presented itself in their practice and solved immediately with the help of a short e-book targeting this exact issue. But when the line of the e-books gets longer, I see that taking care of the beginners on the turf of international property sales is important. Sometimes the beginners do not know how and where to start first of all, and require some initial straight guidance to navigate the process of dipping into the marketing of their properties in the foreign countries. Thus "The Beginner's Guide" has been written, it actually represents the road map to all the information previously published. And along the road it also supplies some practical tips for the readers extracted from each e-book, so that you can decide whether you need to get that particular e-book, or you can limit yourself to the general tips on this topic and go on to the next. In "The Beginner's Guide" the tips from the already published e-books have been put in the subsequent easy to follow system: - A Case Study of Effective Low-Budget Real Estate Marketing to Foreign Buyers (Interview with Jessica Marks, Real Estate Marketing Specialist) - How to Plan and Budget for Success in International Property Sales - How to Find the Best Foreign Realtors and Make Your Offer of Cooperation in Sale Irresistible to Them - How to Efficiently Advertise Your Property for Sale Internationally - How to Be the First on Foreign Google - How to Convert Foreign Internet Visitors into Real Estate Buyers - How to Use Free Online Translation in Real Estate - How to Sell Real Estate to the Russians The Beginner's Guide to Selling Real Estate to Foreign Buyers is a complete road map to all the information in the eight previous issues, and on top of that it is worth reading as it gives not only a summary of each above mentioned e-book, but accompanies it with the useful tips for any real estate seller to help you move through the complexity of international real estate markets. Amazon allows a maximum of 5 days for any book to be offered free of charge, and I am happy to present you the opportunity to download this Guide as a useful navigation tool for everybody interested in marketing and selling properties to the foreign investors - FREE from November 2 through November 6, 2016. beginners guide To your best business success, Sincerely, Olga Kellen, |
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